Sunday, March 13, 2011
Dad's release
Our beloved father passed away this morning at 6:46 am.
Rob called me yesterday around 4:00 pm and told me he was having trouble breathing and that I should come soon. We got to mom's and were able to say our last goodbyes. Rob, Tahna and I spent the night at mom's, just waiting and talking and laughing and crying. None of us got much sleep. We were able to be around dad's bedside when he quietly passed.
Oh we love that man! What a wonderful example of joy, dedication and love!
We love you dad!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Dad's last moments
I just got back from my parents house. My Dad is still holding on, but it will be any time at this point. I was scheduled to go out with my friend Aaron tonight to do a guy hang out. A much needed Guy hangout. But Rob called me about 3:30 and said that the Death Rattle had started. That is basically where the body starts to give in and is preparing itself to be done. So I waited for LeAnn to get home from work and I headed over. His breathing was awful and very difficult to listen to. It almost sounded painful. We were told he was not in pain. My mom continued to give him Morphine just in case.
Brett and I went to go get some food around 7:30. When we got back everyone was a bit frantic. His breathing had changed substantially and he was bleeding from his mouth. Very difficult site. For the rest of the night we were glued to his bed side. We all felt an obligation to be by his side as he passed. This was not to be. Eventually my mother asked us to leave him and allow him to have some peace. Scott left, the gals were headed downstairs so I decided to leave. I know they will call me if things change.
I was supposed to fly out to Phoenix tomorrow but felt I needed to stay with my family. So I had to arrange for a Co-Worker to take my place. Thanks Jody for stepping up.
It is time to go Dad. We will miss you but there is no reason to hold on any longer.
Love you pop.
Love you pop.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I am not sure if it has sunk in or not. On my last post I had mentioned that I was on my way to California. I felt inclined to write a little something about my Father while I was on the plane. Just a few words I think I may use at his funeral. I realize there will not be a lot of time because so many people will want to say something. I got some peace in writing it. Not sure why. I know it is still going to be a tough situation when it arrives.
My Father has a friend he met while working at the DI. He sings Elvis songs, which my father is a huge fan of if you didn't know. A majority of the time we were there my Dad slept and was non-responsive. However when "Elvis" sang my Dad put his air guitar up and mouthed the words. It was a really great experience. Gave us all a little joy at least for the moment. I still love seeing my kids give Grandpa kisses. Every time we leave Kamryn keeps saying "Grandpa's tummy hurts, and he is sick". It is sad that her and Natalie will never really know there Grandpa John. 68 is too young.
When I got back on Friday it was nice to go to my parents house and see the entire family. I always enjoy my time with Rob. I wish I could see him more. My kids were so excited to see him too. That is all they spoke of on the drive from T-Ville to Sandy.
My Father has a friend he met while working at the DI. He sings Elvis songs, which my father is a huge fan of if you didn't know. A majority of the time we were there my Dad slept and was non-responsive. However when "Elvis" sang my Dad put his air guitar up and mouthed the words. It was a really great experience. Gave us all a little joy at least for the moment. I still love seeing my kids give Grandpa kisses. Every time we leave Kamryn keeps saying "Grandpa's tummy hurts, and he is sick". It is sad that her and Natalie will never really know there Grandpa John. 68 is too young.
All us siblings met at again last night at my parents house. What a weird meeting. As we all sat in my Mothers room discussing my Dads funeral arrangements, my Dad laying in the other room watching old reruns of All in the family. (I hate that show). It was just a really odd situation. Because at times he seems to be just fine. I have not heard him speak really the last couple times I have been at his house. He is there, but I miss him. It is not really how I want to remember him. I joked a lot at the meeting. Sorry to my siblings. That was probably how I was dealing with the uncomfortable situation.
Tahna called me today to tell me Dad was not responsive for most of the day. Trying to wake him up or give him his meds was not happening. Too many things going on right now this at the top of the list. Life sure can be frustrating. Lucky my father is a good man and taught me that all things happen for a reason. Sure it is tough. And I realize I have taken a lot of frustrations out on my family. LeAnn has been very patient with me. I can only assume I will be a stronger person for it. I guess only time will tell.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Yesterday, dad was visited by his sisters and brother, Mike. They all love dad so much! We are so grateful for the love and support of his siblings throughout the year. He's got 10 siblings (6 still living) that give him incredible support and love. It was so great to see and visit with them. Thanks you guys!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Peaceful Sunday
Today is a peaceful day. Rob had to leave at 7:00 AM, that was very hard knowing it was the last time he would see dad alive. Mom has soft Sunday music playing. Dad looks so peaceful resting. He's had a couple visitors, but not a lot.
Last night Bear was acting very strange. Usually he doesn't leave Dad's side (as noted in earlier post). But last night he would sit on the couch or floor, stare at dad's bed and wimper; like he wanted to get up on dad's bed, but couldn't. Dad would lift his arm up to the ceiling and say, "Let's go!". We tried to get more info from him, but he wouldn't respond to who or what (if anything) he was looking at.
He said "good morning" to me this morning and gave me a kiss.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Protected by Bear
Dad's dog, Bear, won't leave dad's side. Ever since dad came home on Tuesday, Bear has been so protective of him. He licks dad constantly, and if you try to hug or talk to dad, Bear comes up and gets in your face. He even growled and snapped at Tahna tonight when she went to hug dad. He knows something's up! He leaves just to potty, but hardly eats or sleeps. Poor Bear!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Elvis sings!
Today was such a special day! We had all 39 members of the family (just missing 1 - we miss you Marvin!) in mom and dad's small house. Rob came from Cali and Jordan came from Washington. One of Dad's best friends, Shane, who does Elvis impersonations, came to visit. Up to this point, dad hadn't been very responsive. He'd look at you, but wouldn't talk. You have to understand, Dad LOVED Elvis! (That's why he got along so well with Shane). When Shane started playing his guitar, dad starting "singing" along. He had a tear in his eye, a smile on his face and he was moving his arm to the beat. Shane sang 3 or 4 songs. What a special, special time! It made dad so very happy and was such a miracle for us to witness!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I woke up this morning in a little bit better mood. The good wishes from friends and family alike really do work. They are all appreciated and they do not go unnoticed. Not one. So thank you all. As usual we were running a little late. I had told my mother that we would be there about ten or eleven. We rolled up at noon. Dad looked great. Much better then he did in the hospital. He was eating sticky fingers courtesy of Tahna. I was not only jealous but happy to see he was able to do so. In the hospital they were not even sure of that.
Now the hospice gal told us he would have good days and we would wonder if we made the right choice on not operating but I didn't know it would be the first day! He really looked good. He looked tired and could move nothing but his head and arm but he acknowledged the kids and did his usual baby talk to Nat to make her squeal. We left at 2:30 to get me to the airport. I write this from the droid waiting to get on a plane to Ontario. The visit made it a lot easier to leave for a couple of days.
Rob and I originally planned dinner for Thursday but he is flying to SL tomorrow morning. It will be nice to see him.
It was also nice to see Jordan and his family. I was glad to hear they got here with minimal issues.
It was also nice to see Jordan and his family. I was glad to hear they got here with minimal issues.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Joe's feelings
Sunday Morning I got a call from my Sister Susie that my Dad was on the way to the hospital. He had fell on Saturday and had been acting a little odd the last few days.When he fell he hit his head on the cold air return and really caused a gash in his head. At that moment they were not sure if he just tripped or passed out or what.
When they got him to the hospital they had a cat scan done and the first thing my family was told was that he had had another stroke. Not good...They wanted to confirm this with an MRI but were unable to because he was not stable. He kept throwing up and was all around not good.LeAnn and I went to go visit him on Sunday February 27th.
We went to the ICU to see my Father.He seemed okay. He said hello when we arrived, held my hand and was I believe aware that we were there. He said I love you when we left and I did think he knew we were there.We would have stayed longer but LeAnn had to work.
Monday I went to go and see him at Lunch time. He again seemed like he was in good spirits and happy to have guests. At this time they had a chance to do the MRI and found that my dad actually had a tumor in his brain. They are speculating that this was what caused his stroke 16 months ago. They were unable to see it then because of all the blood that was present when they did the MRI way back then.Now they say the tumor is about the size of a tennis ball. It is operable but we as a family believe that my father would not want that. We all met on Monday night and agreed that we would not have the operation done. It was a tough choice. An operation would only extend his life 3 to 6 months and he would not have even the quality of life he had a month ago when we was still struggling and sad with his original stroke.Conveniently my Mother finally got his living will finished only days before this happened. A little bit of revelation I believe.
I felt inclined to head over to the Hospital early this morning. I found my Mother and sister Tahna talking to the Hospice lady. She was explaining the procedure. My Mother wanted my Dad to come home as soon as possible so I took the remainder of today off and went over to my Mothers to move some furniture around to accommodate a hospital bed. We got that all sorted out and I went home.I got home to LeAnn getting ready for work. We spoke briefly on what we should do. We decided that we would leave the kids home the next morning and go spend the afternoon with my Dad. We decided that we would tell the kids what is going on in the morning.At dinner Seth asked my about Grandpa so I did not have the heart to hold him off. So I told him what was going on. I explained everything.I could tell that Seth was sad about it but the other two I was not sure. Kamryn just kept repeating what I was saying along with a few mixed words of her own.Of course she got most of it right and she just kept saying "Grandpa is dying, he is dead". I though wow, lets not repeat that tomorrow while we are there. Maybe she was a little young to be in the room during the conversation.The one I was most worried about is Ryker. Would he understand what is going on? He is 4 but smart as a whip. Tonight was bath night and I asked him what he was feeling about Grandpa. He told me sadness. He hesitated then said, but I don't think I am as sad as you. I asked him why he would think that. He said, because he is your Dad. A pure example of how smart kids truly are.I decided to ask the same think to Seth and he also said he was sad about Grandpa and said he would miss him.. He then asked if they could still visit Grandma when he was gone. I told them absolutely. She would love that.
From Joe
When they got him to the hospital they had a cat scan done and the first thing my family was told was that he had had another stroke. Not good...They wanted to confirm this with an MRI but were unable to because he was not stable. He kept throwing up and was all around not good.LeAnn and I went to go visit him on Sunday February 27th.
We went to the ICU to see my Father.He seemed okay. He said hello when we arrived, held my hand and was I believe aware that we were there. He said I love you when we left and I did think he knew we were there.We would have stayed longer but LeAnn had to work.
Monday I went to go and see him at Lunch time. He again seemed like he was in good spirits and happy to have guests. At this time they had a chance to do the MRI and found that my dad actually had a tumor in his brain. They are speculating that this was what caused his stroke 16 months ago. They were unable to see it then because of all the blood that was present when they did the MRI way back then.Now they say the tumor is about the size of a tennis ball. It is operable but we as a family believe that my father would not want that. We all met on Monday night and agreed that we would not have the operation done. It was a tough choice. An operation would only extend his life 3 to 6 months and he would not have even the quality of life he had a month ago when we was still struggling and sad with his original stroke.Conveniently my Mother finally got his living will finished only days before this happened. A little bit of revelation I believe.
I felt inclined to head over to the Hospital early this morning. I found my Mother and sister Tahna talking to the Hospice lady. She was explaining the procedure. My Mother wanted my Dad to come home as soon as possible so I took the remainder of today off and went over to my Mothers to move some furniture around to accommodate a hospital bed. We got that all sorted out and I went home.I got home to LeAnn getting ready for work. We spoke briefly on what we should do. We decided that we would leave the kids home the next morning and go spend the afternoon with my Dad. We decided that we would tell the kids what is going on in the morning.At dinner Seth asked my about Grandpa so I did not have the heart to hold him off. So I told him what was going on. I explained everything.I could tell that Seth was sad about it but the other two I was not sure. Kamryn just kept repeating what I was saying along with a few mixed words of her own.Of course she got most of it right and she just kept saying "Grandpa is dying, he is dead". I though wow, lets not repeat that tomorrow while we are there. Maybe she was a little young to be in the room during the conversation.The one I was most worried about is Ryker. Would he understand what is going on? He is 4 but smart as a whip. Tonight was bath night and I asked him what he was feeling about Grandpa. He told me sadness. He hesitated then said, but I don't think I am as sad as you. I asked him why he would think that. He said, because he is your Dad. A pure example of how smart kids truly are.I decided to ask the same think to Seth and he also said he was sad about Grandpa and said he would miss him.. He then asked if they could still visit Grandma when he was gone. I told them absolutely. She would love that.
From Joe
Dad's going home today
Dad is going home today. He will have hospice + us kids help mom out at home. There is no time frame for Dad. We just don't know. Whenever the Lord wants him back home is when he'll go. The doctor's have no time frame. We will enjoy our time left with him. We love you dad!
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