Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What an awesome day! Last week I told Dad Tyson was being ordained a Deacon today and Dad felt bad he couldn't be there, but Mom surprised us all and brought him up. The Doctor said it was ok. He was able to participate in the circle and come to our house for January birthdays after that. It tired him out and we kept asking if he wanted to go home, but he said No. What an awesome surprise and a special day!


Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday January 15, 2010

Today we had a meeting with the doctor and all of his nurses and therapists. A lot of information was given to us - all positive. Here is what we discussed:

*He is improving dramatically
*He's eating small things like pudding and applesauce
*He should be ready to go home in 2-4 weeks
*He is walking with a walker, but it's not your normal walker, it's a "cane on steroids" is what someone said :) He's learning how to walk again.
*His right leg is improving, but his right arm is not
*He is encouraged to leave the hospital on small trips
*When he goes home, he will still have physical therapy 3 times a week
*He walks 90' a day now
*When this first happened, 2 months ago, the doctor's told him he wouldn't walk, he would be paralyzed and would be in a wheel chair the rest of his life. They no longer believe that :)
*His brain will re-teach him how to speak, eat, walk, etc, but it could (and mostly likely will)
take years
*He most likely will not be able to use his right arm, but he's compensating ok with his left arm
*Could he have another stroke? There is a small chance and he's not showing any signs of one
*When he came into PT on a trial run, the Dr. expected him not to stay past a week because he didn't think Dad could do it. He is pleasantly surprised of the dramatic improvement. Dad's been here for 3 weeks now.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Visitors are now allowed and encouraged to visit dad. Please limit your visits to Mon-Sat from 6-7 p.m. and anytime in the afternoon on Sundays. Please keep your visits short, just 5 minutes or so. He usually gets ready for bed after 7:00 p.m. He is at a point that he likes visitors. He is getting bored. Be encouraging, especially when he talks and you can't understand him. Please write on the white board when you come to visit.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday January 10 2010

Tonight he was watching TV when we visited. He was trying to figure out how to turn it off. It took a little bit but he did it. The other night when I came to visit as I left he asked if I could get the barrel. I said you want me to get the barrel? (Cause it didn't make sense). He said no. He kept looking up. So I was looking up. He said something about the Dr. I said do you want me to get the Dr? He said no. He kept looking up. He tried a few more tries finally I looked up when he was and there was a light above the bed (the only one that was on at that point) I then asked, Do you want me to turn off the light. He smiled and said- yes, yes. So with some effort and patience we usually can figure out what he is trying to get out.

Anyway today he tried looking for something. He asked where his pickle was then corrected himself. Where is my pillow? Well he had 2 underneath his arm and one he was laying on. I said you have some right here. He said no, and then tried pointing around the room and moving him self to the side to look over the edge. I said Dad what are you looking for? He thought for a minute then very loud said. I WANT MY PILLOW FROM HOME! So I called Mom and let her know.. I mean who doesn't want their own pillow?

He is doing so good to try and work through his words. Sometimes he succeeds sometimes he doesn't. We talked about things then he looked sad. I said do you remember the morning of the stroke? He said no. I said would you like me to read it to you? He said yes. ( I have kept a daily journal for him since day 1 of his stroke, so he can read it later when he is better). I read the first day, and he really felt bad when I read to him how we each reacted when we got the phone call from Scott or whom ever.. I then told him about the first few weeks and when we had to take the ventilator out, and how this is all in Heavenly Fathers hands and to try and remember that when he is feeling down. He asked me the other day. Why did this happen to me? I said that is a question that I can't answer but that he is still serving a purpose here, and that we are grateful he is still here. And that we are so very proud of him.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday January 9, 2010

Today was totally awesome with dad! I enjoyed my time so much! When he saw me, he gave me such a big, tight hug and a kiss. We talked for a few minutes and then he wanted me to take him on a walk around the halls. We started to go and he said, "don't forget your purse, you don't want someone to take it." He told me which way to go and when we passed the nurses station on the other side of the hall, he said, "stop!" and he tried to get one of the nurses' attention. She looked up and he smiled and waved, "hi". Then he had me take him to the big window overlooking the valley and we sat there for a few minutes. He pointed and said, "that's the Women's Center." Sure enough - it was! We went back to his room.

I was sitting on the bed and the cleaning lady came in. He motioned for me to move off the bed because she had to make the bed. She got paged away to another room so she said, "I'll finish this in a minute." She had put clean sheets and blankets on it, but hadn't "tucked" in the sides. He didn't want me to sit on the bed because she "hadn't finished yet." When she was gathering up the sheets and blankets, he started pointing and talking (couldn't understand him). We looked and sure enough, she was gathering up his John Wayne blanket with the hospital stuff. She pulled it out and he smiled.

We then talked about my family and he wanted so bad to form his words, but they kept coming out as babble, so he swore :) It made me chuckle. He's really frustrated and he'll just shake his head like, "never mind, I can't do it" but we encourage him to keep trying!

I asked him if Mike had been in to see him. He said, "not for 3 days!" I thought, "oh he's just throwing out a number" but when Mike got there, I asked him and he really hadn't been in for 3 days! Uncle Mike brought in some ABC flash cards so we went through those and there were just a couple he couldn't remember, but the 2nd time we went through them, he did really well! Uncle Mike then came in then and had another set of flash cards. This time with ABC's and pictures. Dad would do pretty good at reading the words (of the picture). Most of the time he would just get the first letter sound right, but Mike would encourage him and try to get him to tell him what the picture was. One time, for the word "kite" Mike said, "this is what the kids would fly on a string at the beach" and dad said, "bloomers". It was pretty funny :)

Mom said they're going to try and have him walk around the halls tomorrow on his own. His progress is slow, but steady. I wish I were closer. I loved spending time with him today.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm sorry posts for Dad are so few and far between. I wish I could do one everyday, but the progress is just slow, but steady. Mom brought his dog, Bear in today and dad liked that. He has bursitis in his elbow, but it's not too critical...not enough that they are able to drain it.

In occupational therapy, they are stimulating his right side; afterwards, he is able to move his hands and leg, just a little; but if it was paralyzed, he wouldn't be able to move it at all.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday Jan 2, 2010

Dad is doing so well in PT, that they are keeping him at IMC for 4 - 6 weeks. This is exactly what we were hoping for. What blessings the Lord is giving us!

Yesterday he told mom, "I love you" without her saying it first. That was a big deal to Mom.