Sunday, December 13, 2009

We were able to take the kids and see dad today. When the kids came in, he just lit up and was so, so excited to see the grandkids. He took turns grabbing each one and holding their hand, smiling, talking to them (even though we couldn't understand him). He grabbed Alex and pointed at him, then pointed to Steve, trying to tell us something. He then motioned to Alex to cut his hair; we all laughed :) Then he just took turns looking and reaching out to each grandchild, smiling and making them feel so loved. It made their day.

Mike was there. He started rubbing dad's right foot and we all clearly saw it was very painful for him, so not real fair that he can't move his right side, but can feel the pain. He was very awake and alert.

Later tonight, he spoke to mom. She couldn't understand him, but thought to ask, "do you know why you're here in the hospital?". He shook his head no, so then she told him. He closed his eyes and frowned. He's in and out of remembering what happened. He's too weak for physical therapy so they are moving him to a long term care facility tomorrow or Tuesday.


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