Saturday, November 21, 2009

The blood clot he has is in his neck not arm. They're hoping it won't travel to his heart or lungs or brain.Using all the meds they can to help the situation. They said the clots he is getting is probably due to the part of the brain that controls clotting, and it is on overdrive; that the platelets are doing their job in one area and then inviting all the other platelets to join too. Having a party unwanted. So they aren't thinning the blood, they are stopping it from getting bigger. When they get too big then they start to branch off and break apart and we don't want that.



  1. Geez, the poor guy as well as you guys, it's SO draining in SO many ways. Please Please know how much we are all praying and care and think of your Family. John, hang in there and know were all pulling for you. I pray and think of your dad and mom daily. Please know we really truly are thinking of you guys..

  2. We'll pray for you as a family. The prayers of little children are as pure as can be, so I know they'll float right up to heaven. All my love to you and your whole family, Tahna. I love you!!!
    Mary Anne
