Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 17th 2009

I was with Dad today. He seemed very tired. Not much of a change from the the previous day. The Physical Therapist came in to work him over and she really couldn't get him to wake up. As soon as she left he woke up for a few minutes and listened to Mom and I. Mom left Aunt Kathleen's cute card she brought in his hand and he was still holding it after we got back from lunch. The Dr's got a chuckle out of it. When we got back from lunch he woke up for a bit and gave Mom and I a little smile.
We are now 10 days into this and we are all hoping he turns around soon.
The boys still ask me every day why they cant come into the hospital to see Grandpa John. We try to explain but they don't understand. It is heart breaking but we know they will be able to see him soon.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Versluis Kids. Thanks so much for this info. We love your folks very much, and as the song says, "think of them once a day, every day, all day long". Didn't want to bother you for updates, so this will help very much, as we are very concerned with John's condition. Give them our love, Walt & Carolyn Hall
