Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving with Dad

Today was very emotional for me. Dad was given another blessing. Thanksgiving certainly wasn't the same, but I was able to spend it with dad in his room, a lot of the time alone with him. I read to him, talked with him and held him for most of the time. I'm grateful for the time I had to spend with him today.

The doctors are giving him periodic doses of steroids to help the swelling come down. This should last for a couple of days.

He had his eyes open today, but not very responsive. Rob and Marvin came to visit and brought him an Elvis beanie baby. He smiled.


1 comment:

  1. Susie,
    I am so very sorry, this year was not a very happy Thanksgiving in our home either- we spent a lot of time with many tears: These past 4 months have been nothing else but the tears.I think of you all often and so glad to hear that your brother's could all be here as well. Your a GREAT Family. Hang in there, much love to you you all.
